SKYnv2011-07-23 06:33:39
Ruby on Rails
SKYnv, 2011-07-23 06:33:39

Web server for RoR applications

Which web server for RoR applications would you recommend and why?

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5 answer(s)
spuf, 2011-07-23

I sat on this habrahabr.ru/blogs/ror/120368/ and liked everything.

d4rkr00t, 2011-07-23

I use Thin for now.

vidok, 2011-07-23

Definitely unicorn

Georgy Khromchenko, 2011-07-23

It was more convenient for me to download Ruby EE, then there is a script right there on how to install nginx + Passenger. For me, this turned out to be the most convenient way + a lot of memory was saved. But I went to this solution from a bunch of mongrels.
Unicorn did not try, I do not see the point yet.

Andrey Shaydurov, 2011-07-24

here everyone praises unicorn, but for me it has the following disadvantages relatively thin:
1) the difficulty of setting up. for zero-downtime-deploy, you need to write (or always keep at hand) a strong startup config in ruby. thin has a magic option restart -O
2) a cluster of thins can be made a service with one command (that is, when the system is rebooted or the nodes die, they themselves will rise).
3) unicorn always keeps in memory one extra node with which it replaces the dying ones. a very noticeable minus on weak VPS, when a cluster of 2-3 nodes takes up most of the RAM. so in 512 MB of RAM, thin will fit, for example, three working nodes, when unicorn has only two at the same memory consumption.

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