Igor2013-11-18 18:39:01
Igor, 2013-11-18 18:39:01

Web or Mobile, what to choose?

In general, I will describe the essence of the problem, and you will decide whether and what to answer.
I like two industries, mobile and web.
What I know at the moment:
pascal a little higher than school level, a little C#, a little more Java, HTML / CSS at the level of the codecademy course, PHP at the cycle level.
Both directions are promising. There are ideas on both fronts.
There are, in general, several questions:
1. What is easier and faster to learn to the level of a junior/freelancer? For me, this is important, because there is not so much time for training. And money is needed.
2. What and at what level do you need to know for each industry? Languages, technologies.
3. If the web, then what to choose, Python or PHP? I like Python more, but there is more work in PHP, judging by the situation on the exchanges.
Thank you for your attention to my problem

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4 answer(s)
Alexander, 2013-11-18

1 you answered yourself, in your introduction, this is HTML + CSS + PHP
2 there is no limit to perfection, as I understand it, you need to earn money, I think you can start doing this right now, just by taking a few simple orders on the technologies mentioned above
3 There are a lot of works everywhere , there are not enough specialists. From the point of view of the price per hour of work - more profitable than python
As I understand it, you need a quick start, then of course the web. Mobile is either iOS (Obj-c) or a Java-like language for Android. Or some kind of universal solution like Unity (C#) for games. But at this stage, I do not advise going there for the sake of money ... you will have to fill a lot of cones, you can leave it as a hobby, after a while here I would advise iOS as a more profitable platform from two sides at once (both customers and users), in Android development, the main focus is on customers.

tuxx, 2013-11-18

under the web to learn faster. however, both industries can be fairly closely related. as an option you can delve into C#, because it can be programmed in both areas

David Martin, 2013-11-20

Mobile. Maybe I'm wrong, but the web will have to master too many technologies.
The main thing is not to start with php. I sinned like this a very long time ago, then I beat myself with chains when I worked with c#.

xmoonlight, 2013-11-25

Mobile, Unity3D (C#) - there are video tutorials in Russian. Almost all platforms. You will immediately kill a "cloud" of hares. The developer on Unity3D is now getting very well on freelance.
Web - It will take you much longer to learn...

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