yurakresan2020-12-15 16:52:15
Search Engine Optimization
yurakresan, 2020-12-15 16:52:15

Way to transfer the goods to the basket?

Folks, I've got thousands of ways to transfer items to the cart. As on the screen, the proger passed the information through the link, how is it better to transfer the product information to the basket?


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2 answer(s)
Anton Shamanov, 2020-12-16

exclude them via robots.txt or generally exclude all requests except GET (see REST API)

Sergey Boldyrev, 2020-12-16

Either, as they said, through robots.txt to prohibit them from indexing (Disallow: /*/buy-now/*), which most likely needs to be done this way and that, or rewrite adding to the cart to JS via ajax.
dreamhelg.ru/2009/09/ajax-based-shopping-cart-with... for example

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