den-masonov2017-03-16 20:33:12
den-masonov, 2017-03-16 20:33:12

vue-cli won't start. Who can help?

I run these commands:

npm install -g vue-cli
vue init webpack-simple hello-vue
npm install
npm run dev # ready to go!

As a result, a window opens, there is a page with links and the Vuejs logo.
But hot reload doesn't work and buld.js doesn't compile I looked
through these links with my primitive knowledge of English:
https://github.com/vuejs /vue-loader/issues/666
But I didn't see a solution anywhere.
Maybe one of you has come across and knows how to solve.
Or get around this problem.
(I’m watching a course on vue 2 on laracast, I would like to avoid such that the author of the videos works with vue-loader, and I have to connect via cdn and figure out what and where to change so that everything works for me)

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1 answer(s)
den-masonov, 2017-03-17

Replaced webpack-simple template with webpack
This template seems to work
npm install -g vue-cli
vue init webpack hello-vue
cd hello-vue
npm install
npm run dev # ready to go!

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