LAA2013-07-09 14:14:23
LAA, 2013-07-09 14:14:23

Vmware esxi 5.0.0 on realtek 8168 - network slows down for guest OS?

Hetzner has a server.
On the port of the hoster is 100-full manually. The hoster refuses to install an auto host, citing the fact that the port is 1Gbps, and the connection is 100Mbps.
I tried to set up the network in vmware esxi and auto and manually 100/full. Equally bad.
On a vmware esxi server with a realtek 8168 gigabit ethernet network when downloading from the network, I don’t get more than 20-30Mbps, while the same download from rescue linux on the same server on the same connection downloads at a speed of 100Mbps.

In both cases, I download not to the disk, but to / dev / null, that is, disk braking is excluded.

Who has a server there with vmware esxi 5.0.0 like you?
Will installing an Intel Gigabit Network Switch help me?
How to increase the speed of guests?

Thanks in advance.

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6 answer(s)
LAA, 2013-07-11

The problem was solved by moving problematic guest OSes to new ones created from scratch.
Thank you.

apetropolsky, 2013-07-09

And what type of a setevukha at guests? Have you tried changing? This time. Two: what kind of server is it? Some kind of noname, or vendor? If vendor, I can recommend installing ESXi vendor assembly, perhaps the problem is in the drivers.

LAA, 2013-07-09

Thank you.
The fact is that the installation of an Intel card costs 29 euros.
I would like to understand exactly what it will help.
I’ll google how to install realtek drivers manually ...
Thanks again.

LAA, 2013-07-09

I found it myself here: wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/VMware_ESXi/ru that you need to install an Intel network card for previous versions of esxi:

Installation on EX 4 or EX 4S is possible by adding an optional network adapter (NIC). It costs 29 Euros at a time and requires a Flexi package which costs 15 Euros per month.

I'll try later first the driver, suddenly it will help ...

LAA, 2013-07-11

Some miracles.
Always used open-vm-tools from FreeBSD ports instead of native ones. On Dell servers, this did not create problems.
Well, on this problematic server too.
Found one of the FreeBSD 9.1 VMs that had no tools at all.
Delivered native with virtual-cd vmware. Speed ​​received as it should be 10+ MB/s.
Demolished open-vm-tools from those two problematic guests and installed native tools.
The speed is still low.

Vladimir Pilipchuk, 2014-03-13

Same problem with local server. Only network 1GE (8169 Gigabit Ethernet).
Lew per guest - 50-60 MB / s (MTU 1500). I'm trying to download the same file - no more than 11 MB / s On average 2-5.
Already reinstalled the hypervisor, and recreated virtual machines - nothing helps.
while UDP in both directions shows 1Gb / s
Could you tell us in more detail how you identified the problem and what you did to solve it?

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