Door2013-03-10 23:28:24
Door, 2013-03-10 23:28:24

Visual Studio with Qt always rebuilds solution?

Actually, even if there were no changes to the project files with any attempt to launch / build, a complete rebuild occurs. But this problem occurs only if the project file (.vcxproj) was generated using the command
qmake -spec win32-msvc2010 -tp vc
. If the project is opened using the Visual Studio Add-in , then there are no such problems.
All google advice (incorrect change time (in the future), clean everything, restart, etc.) does not help.
If anything: Qt 4.8.4, 5.1, msvc10 .
Has anyone encountered or knows how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
UPD:This only happens if the version of Qt was built by hand. If you use the “out of the box” version, there is nothing like that. Maybe someone is interested, when building, I still had configure options :

-debug-and-release -developer-build -opensource -shared -no-ltcg -accessibility -no-fast -exceptions -stl -no-openvg -platform win32-msvc2010 -no-nis -no-neon -no-fontconfig - no-system-proxies -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -dsp -vcproj -incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests -qmake -process -rtti -phonon -phonon-backend - multimedia -audio-backend -webkit -script -scripttools -declarative -saveconfig my_4.8.4 -no-mp

UPD: This is due to the -incredibuild -xge option when building the library. To solve the problem (if you still used -incredibuild-xge ) you need:
for Qt version 5.0.1 : find the file %QTDIR%\qtbase\mkspecs\features\ incredibuild_xge.prf and comment all lines (no need to delete, just in case ). There should be something like this:
#contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") {
#    # The VCPROJ generator will replace the \r\h with the coded \r\n: 

#    EOC = $$escape_expand(\\r\\h)
#    for(xge, INCREDIBUILD_XGE) {
#        $${xge}.commands = Rem IncrediBuild_AllowRemote $$EOC Rem IncrediBuild_OutputFile $$shell_path($${xge}.output) $$EOC $$eval($${xge}.commands)
#    }

for Qt version 4.8.4, this is the %QTDIR%\mkspecs\features\ incredibuild_xge.prf file .
Thanks oYASo for the help.

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2 answer(s)
Door, 2013-03-11

updated the content, there is a solution.

Alexander Yudaev, 2013-03-11

And what about the generated moc files? It looks like they are constantly being recreated.
I can recommend turning on the logging system and see what (or what file, most likely) is causing the project to be rebuilt.

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