Sergey Gulin2016-11-23 12:04:43
Sergey Gulin, 2016-11-23 12:04:43

Viruses on WP, can't find what to do?

Good day to all, a major attack was made on the site, and a large number of malware was uploaded. Here is one of the code examples, I can't find it myself:

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2016-11-23

Everything is very simple, use the backup beforehand, ideally close the holes through which the attack was made.

Ivan Sergeev, 2016-11-23

Antiviruses for computers do not work well to catch this type of infection.
Try a special utility for cleaning sites - I cured a few with it, there were no problems:
Displays a list of infected and suspicious files - and the places where the malicious code is located

bsf, 2016-11-23

From practice, the scheme is usually like this, if the copies are also "sick".
If the OS is on a Windows computer, then disable all antiviruses. We merge the site to the computer via ftp. We archive with a password so that the antivirus does not clean everything in the archive. We turn on the antivirus and poison it on the directory. We look at what swears and start removing all injections in the code with handles.
The chrome console also helps with cleaning. If the virus code is loaded from the left site, then you can track through which js file.

Ankhena, 2016-11-23

Somehow I sent a file to Doctor Web, they helped.
And the hoster is also interested in sites without viruses, so support usually helps.

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