KeterVik2018-04-30 14:05:59
KeterVik, 2018-04-30 14:05:59

VIM can replace IDE?

Set up VIM for easy work with Python and Lua. It is especially convenient to throw the main.lua file directly into LÖVE2D. In general, for now it’s enough and I really like it, there is no need to run Pycharm, which lags me, or the same ZeroBrane, the functionality of which I don’t need. But, is that for now? For C++, I use Code::Blocks, but I can’t say anything about it yet, since my maximum on the crosses is helloworld. Will you have to master heavy IDEs in the future? What is generally used in large companies, where the project takes hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and sometimes more than a million? I will also say that I like the idea of ​​​​working only with the keyboard most of all, and not carrying the cursor around the editor, but if it is possible to enable Vim-mode (as in Pycharm), then I don’t mind using an IDE, but is it needed at all?

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4 answer(s)
voronkovich, 2018-04-30

I also use vim instead of IDE (but for PHP). There is an opinion that Unix is ​​an excellent IDE in itself. Therefore, in addition to vim, I would recommend that you also get good at the command line (bash/zsh/fish, I prefer zsh).
What is used in large companies - you can see in the facebook repositories: https://github.com/facebook
1. Codemod . Great utility for refactoring. Similar to sed but with color pictures. Written in Python, by the way. I use it often and am very pleased.
2. Watchman - a utility that intercepts file system events and issues commands. Handy for running tests, builds, etc. Personally, I prefer entr
to it. For navigating through large amounts of code, they are also used:
1. https://ctags.io/
2. The Silver Searcher
BTW. I, for quick access to the command line, run vim through tmux (in one of the windows). As a result, my IDE looks something like this:
Details can be found here: https://github.com/voronkovich/dotfiles
UPD: Here is a list of useful plugins that are needed regardless of the PL:
CtrlP - fast file opening.
easymotion - jumping through text
vim-test - running tests from Vim
syntastic - syntax checking
YouCompleteMe - code completion
ultisnips - code snippets
I also recommend a cool screencast about Vim and the command line: Vim screencasts

Doc44, 2018-07-23

PyCharm is really cool and worth the money.
But if it lags, then yes, you can use vim as an IDE.
But for all the coolness, he is far from PyCharm.
Still, vim is cool. And he doesn't lie.
Choose yourself.
Of course, vim plugins for the appropriate language will be needed.
voronkovich brought some plugins.
but some of them are outdated
see https://habr.com/company/mailru/blog/340740/
in particular there about ALE instead of syntastic
in particular there about FZF (or LeaderF if under Windows) instead of CtrlP
and also vim- figitive, lightline, im-unimpaired, vim-polyglot, vim-surround, vim-commentary, etc.
also see the comments below the article.

Vorh, 2018-04-30

For the IDE from JetBrains there is a plugin that includes Vim modes and layout.
Whether to use an IDE or not is up to you or company policy.
If you can write code without losing productivity and without bringing inconvenience to other team members, then please write.

Mikhail Potanin, 2018-05-10

I was told about pycharm that there is a lot of adequate type inference, which makes development much more convenient. In vim, such things are done by an external language server, I've only seen implementations for Idris.

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