crea7or2010-09-21 17:17:11
English learning tools
crea7or, 2010-09-21 17:17:11

Utility for memorizing English words advise

So far I have found 3 pieces, but they are all strange: ezmemo , bxmemo , supermemo . Mostly they don't like creepy colors or fonts with shadows, etc.
Can you tell me something else? Needed under Windows.

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8 answer(s)
bagyr, 2010-09-21

Anki, fonts can be customized.

BombilCalabasov, 2010-09-21

The Lingvo dictionary includes Tutor, which, among other things, can import words from the Lingvo query history into the dictionary for learning.

Ctacus, 2010-09-21

The google translate client has a similar functionality. translateclient.com/

lugansk, 2010-09-21

I once tried to use this , but something like this type of program did not work for me.

Artemzr, 2010-09-22

Well, here's another program of our own production: lexiconer.narod.ru. Pretty simple and free.

FanKiLL, 2010-09-28

Anki is a good program

Karayo, 2013-11-28

repetere (repeteresoft.com) cool program - I tried a lot, this is the most convenient and a lot of chips

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