Sergey Agarkov2013-09-17 15:07:12
Sergey Agarkov, 2013-09-17 15:07:12

Unity 3D Licenses?

I don't really understand Unity licenses.
I realized that if I developed a game on the Free version, and earn up to $ 100,000 a year on it, then everything is fine, if more, then you need to buy the PRO version.
Or if I want to sell my game, will I automatically need the Pro version for this?

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2 answer(s)
Wozik, 2013-09-19

We have translated the license agreement into Russian, the preliminary version is posted on unity3d.ru You
can make commercial games with Unity Fee if your annual turnover (after taxes and fees) is less than $100,000.

Alexander A, 2013-09-17

Yes, up to $100,000 a year is OK and you can make money on the game.
Sell ​​vmysle transfer all rights to it?

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