Roman2015-06-23 15:13:30
Roman, 2015-06-23 15:13:30

Under what @media values ​​to adapt the site design?

For example:

Основная версия от 960px
#Tablet (Portrait - Ipad)
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) { }
#Mobile (Portrait)
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { }
#Mobile (Landscape)
@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) { }

Is there a statistic which values ​​are better to use?
UPD I dug up and published the links myself, otherwise the Petrosyans came running to measure wit in the comments, but at the same time not a single answer to the question posed.

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3 answer(s)
Roman, 2015-06-23

Viewport Sizes
UPD. From the presentation of Yandex about the adaptability of interfaces:

teotlu, 2015-06-23

I'm one of the insane amount of questions already asked here about responsive width.

Stalker_darkway, 2015-06-23

See how the designer intended. If it is always at 100% of the screen, then it already depends on the developer. I usually have enough to cut up to max 1920px. And so media queries can be different. If you allow a block of text is always 100%, inside the usual text, then what for media queries? You give it a width of 100% and it shrinks for you. If there are two blocks with text, then I set 50% each, at a width of 320-479 I simply removed the wrapping and aligned it in the center, that's all.
Here you need to look at the situation, but if you do not use bootstrap, then this is how it turns out:
320 - 479;
480 - 639;
640 - 767;
768 - 959;
960 - 1023;
1024 - 1279;
1280 - 1439;
1440 - 1599;
1600 - 1920;
And even then you may not need everything. Look at the situation.

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