NoName_02016-04-08 14:26:53
NoName_0, 2016-04-08 14:26:53

Unable to access Windows volume?

People help! Itself in a link recently only. Generally . My ubuntu went crooked (I installed it through wubi) .. I lived with it a little, got tired, and decided to reinstall it. I went under Windows (ubuntu was the second one) and erased the partition of the disk where ubunta was located (fool, I know). rebooted the computer, the grub console came out, I tried to make friends with it, but it didn’t work out .. in general, then I took a flash drive with ubuntu and installed it (again, next to Windows) everything seems to be normal, but when I try to enter the section where they are Windows files gives an error 01a0845e639b43dc955de71d632595be.png what to do shorter ??? and yet, when I go to Windows, it shows me that the disk from which I took the place for ubuntu remained the same size as it was before installation ... what is it all about? may have marked it crooked???

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2 answer(s)
Yuri Chudnovsky, 2016-04-08

Linux prevented a user from trying to shoot himself in the foot. An attempt to mount a partition with a sleeping Windows would bring its file system to a porridge state after waking up.

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