Eugene2012-02-29 14:15:54
Eugene, 2012-02-29 14:15:54

Ultrabook with keyboard with Home, End, PageUp, PageDown on the right?

Now I use msi x350 as the main working computer. In addition to the size and weight, I really like the full-size keyboard with navigation keys on the right and full-fledged arrows, which is extremely convenient for programming.
Can you tell me what ultrabooks with the same keyboard are currently available?

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7 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2012-02-29

I see such keyboards from Asus all the time (for example, u36jc), although they are not ultrabooks.
Also look at thinkpads, which are lightweight. They have a nicer keyboard there)

@ngg, 2012-02-29

I was interested myself. The research led to the following results: the navigation key block is available in the Lenovo U300S and Toshiba Z830. There is also a similar charm in full-fledged Asus laptops, in particular the u36 (u44) series, which, in terms of weight and size, is not far from the notorious ultrabooks, but has a full-fledged processor.
Research results in a summary table:

d3th, 2012-02-29

Lenovo V370

IllariPosselt, 2012-09-30

Lenovo G470

oleksandr_veles, 2012-09-30

The absolutely fantastic nec lavie Z, 13" 1600x900, 890g weight, up to 8 hours of work, from 1300 in Japan is forgotten
in the table.
in Japan.

karavwai, 2012-09-30

Samsung 530u4b (530u4c)

Matolch, 2012-09-30

All HP laptops except folio

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