jekanok2020-04-20 04:10:03
jekanok, 2020-04-20 04:10:03

Ubuntu won't start Black screen with sound?

Hello, I installed Ubuntu on my laptop with nvidia 1050, but at startup I only hear the sound of the speaker, and at the same time a black screen and that's it. Complain what I need to do to start normally?

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3 answer(s)
klepiku, 2020-04-20

did you go through recovery mode? Is there any important data or system 0 left?
what is the build number?
just if you are a beginner, take lts 18.04 and everything will work
how they differ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS
if you need data, tell me
and yes, you should not switch to 20.04 for about 6 months

jekanok, 2020-04-20

What is the problem when I run through recovery mode And only through intel then everything works on the screen. How to make it run in personal mode through intel?

alexey300479, 2020-04-20

In recovery mode in the terminal, run the commands: prime
-select intel

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