GAGAn2013-11-14 00:55:23
GAGAn, 2013-11-14 00:55:23

Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS won't boot after installing LAMP

Actually, I put it through sudo tasksel install Then I rebooted the laptop and that's what shows me ea677cb8694dec4899f1237d8ea1d5ff.jpg How to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
Masterme, 2013-11-14

and you don't install via tasksel, install via synaptic. synaptic is installed like sudo apt-get install synaptic

boot into the console and demolish the apache, then reboot and check if the gui loads normally. if it loads, then it was in Apache, then install synaptic and everything you need through synaptic, if the error remains, then it's in some other package, write, we will think further

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