Husya2015-10-09 12:22:14
Husya, 2015-10-09 12:22:14

Trouble booting your laptop?

Good day.
At first, it happened several times the laptop itself turned off and on, sometimes displaying a blue screen.
The last time I completely stopped loading further than these windows, I tried to restore / reinstall Windows through a USB flash drive / disk, it does not work. It throws it back into the boot-menu.
Displays the boot-menu, I click on the boot-manager or cd / dvd drive, so it again throws it into the boot menu.
Samsung laptop model np530u4c

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3 answer(s)
Ravil Shaimardanov, 2015-10-10

Update BIOS and try a new install.

Maxim Malypko, 2015-10-09

At first, it happened several times the laptop itself turned off and on, sometimes displaying a blue screen. - This may be the result of a hardware or software malfunction. Have you done prophylaxis for your laptop for a long time?
And at what stage of the OS installation does it throw you back into the boot-menu ????
With the help of Hirens boot you can diagnose your Hard disk, RAM and other hardware.

Husya, 2015-10-09

so I choose DVD or USB in the boot menu list, so he throws it back into the list

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