Mikhail Lebedev2021-11-26 00:23:54
Mikhail Lebedev, 2021-11-26 00:23:54

Triggering add_filter/add_action at a certain screen size?

how to add add_filter with @media queries in functions.php

for clarity what you need:
media (max-width: 375px) {

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1 answer(s)
WP Panda, 2021-11-26

In js, you define the screen size, if it satisfies your conditions, then send an ajax request to the backend and execute your filters in the handler. At the same time, there is a trouble that during resizing you will most likely have to reload or those parts for which the filter is responsible
Yes, one more trouble, since js is loaded already when the page is rendered, then you will most likely have to output those parts for which the filter is responsible via ajax

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