rapida2011-01-25 02:14:52
rapida, 2011-01-25 02:14:52

Tracking updates on trackers?

The idea is this: for example, I am interested in a certain artist and his releases on trekkers.
I specify the trackers to track, for example, tfile, rutracker,
and I receive a notification about a new release from this artist by email or in the generated rss. And so it is with any content.
Is there something similar?
upd: do not offer sites like
, they track updates of the entire section, but I only search for keywords
about the existence of kinobaza.tv, but alas, it is only for films
there are also sites like discogs.com, but they only notify about the new release, they do not provide links to trackers.

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7 answer(s)
123459, 2014-07-29


dotneter, 2011-01-25

Search page tfile.ru/forum/ssearch.php?q=test + page2rss.com/ ?

Nikolai Krylov, 2011-01-25


Sergey Savostin, 2011-01-25

As mentioned above, I'll clarify:

wget --post-data \
'login_username=USERNAME&login_password=PASSWORD&login=yes&redirect=/forum/tracker.php?nm=Deep+Purple' \

You can save cookies and not log in again:
wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data \
'login_username=USERNAME&login_password=PASSWORD&login=yes&redirect=/forum/' \

wget --load-cookies cookies.txt http://www.rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm=Deep+Purple
wget --load-cookies cookies.txt http://www.rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm=%D0%92%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2

Elufimov, 2011-01-25

There is an extension for chrome , only it monitors the update of a specific distribution

Astralian, 2013-03-27

There is a cool service http://updater.atrena.org
It does not require registration, you can subscribe in 3 clicks, it works with our torrent.
If you wish, you can raise your rating, because after the appearance of a new series in the series, everyone immediately starts downloading it. If you download immediately after the notification, then a lot of people will be pulled off of you later and the rating will grow noticeably.
I set a notification about new letters on my smartphone - so now, as soon as a new series is released, my phone immediately signals me - very convenient!

Alexander, 2014-07-25

If on android, then try RuTracker RSS
Link to w3bsit3-dns.com

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