Shing2013-04-23 15:04:25
Shing, 2013-04-23 15:04:25

To the office: desktops or laptops?

What is fashionable now ?
I work on a laptop + external monitor, keyboard, mouse.
Although now more often just behind a laptop.
What to put for employees?
More efficient, more convenient, safer, cheaper?
Tasks/To: programmer/webmaster, managers (marketing, b2b..)

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12 answer(s)
armid, 2013-04-23

If an employee works more or less clearly from 09 to 18, without frequent business trips (where he may need a PC), then, in my opinion, a desktop computer is more convenient.
As they say, why buy a laptop, and to it a monitor, keyboard, mouse. The desktop computer seems to be safer for the company. External ports can be blocked.

Zverenish, 2013-04-23

I may be repeating myself, but I'll try to be clear.
In laptops, I see only one "plus": the ability to take on business trips.
For all other parameters, stationary win.
Monitor. After 22 ... 24-inch at home and at work, using 13-17" options is not convenient. You get used to good things quickly.
The silence of laptops compared to stationary. Well, to be honest, this is a far-fetched plus in relation to laptops. It's just that the one who is engaged in equipping the equipment was not puzzled by the silence. I didn't pay attention to it before either. But for the last couple of years, I have been assembling ultra-quiet systems for home and work. If it is not planned to play at the computer, even passive / active PSUs I choose. The fact that the computer is working (if the monitor is turned off) can only be understood by going up and pressing caps lock / num lock on the keyboard - it blinks, which means it is on. But some laptops begin to make such noise with fans after half a year ... and cleaning does not help. Does anyone know how much it costs to replace a fan in a laptop? And the presence (or rather lack) of choice among manufacturers? That's it. And it’s good if the question of price is not worth it, but often you can’t even find it, except to go to the ruins to look. And in the hospital there are only 3 standards (80/92/120mm) and if you initially select components of such standard sizes, and not 130/95/70, etc., then there will be no problems with the choice and replacement, and the question of price will not arise at all.
Keyboard. People are different and someone softly knocks the clave, someone hammers like a drummer. The keyboard in the laptop - as in the kit, you don’t particularly choose. For example, I don’t like when the cursor keys are in a bunch with everyone else, when the additional keyboard is not separate, but through Fn, when there is no distance between delete / end / paga down and the up arrow, when Russian letters do not differ in color ... you can continue for a long time . Just a regular keyboard expands the choice. You can also buy a separate keyboard for a laptop, but rarely anyone bothers with this - they spit, but continue to use the one that they got with the “unit”.
Self upgrade. Often laptops are sealed so that it would be impossible to open without losing the warranty. This immediately leads us to the impossibility of an independent upgrade without losing the warranty. And the need often arises: at least put the memory instead of 2-4GB - 8 / 16GB. Or replace hdd with ssd. Or there will be a desire to put a second disk to create raid1 to increase reliability. Or stick a video card faster. For similar operations in the official service center, you will be charged an impressive amount. Stationaries can often be opened without loss of warranty.
Maintainability. The larger the office, the greater the chance of failure of any component. A disk, a board, a monitor, a video card, a network card (surprisingly, they can fail), a drive.
Whatever happens to the laptop will automatically mean the loss of the workplace. Whether it is a laptop screen or a disk, you will have to carry the entire device to the service center at once. Submit a guarantee and wait. After all, if the drive stopped reading DVD, the service will not accept you without a laptop.
If we are talking about a stationary computer, then only the released component, which is often available in the storeroom, is subject to replacement. A defective one can be safely handed over to a service center for repair / exchange.
Well, about “flooded the keyboard with coffee”, I generally keep quiet. The difference in replacement cost in one and the second case is even ridiculous to compare.
Reliability. Even if a person does not go on business trips, but works with a laptop, he has a desire to go out with a laptop to work in a public garden, go to a cafe with him. Do you know how many laptops “fall out of hands” at the time of wearing, taking out of a backpack? And how many flew from those who stumbled over the power cable ...
Price. Here the laptop loses at times. For 25 thousand. it is easy to assemble a system of such performance that you cannot get in a laptop even for the amount of 50 thousand. This is not even considering the 23-24" screen. Pure performance.

Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2013-04-23

For work - only desktop computers. This is more convenient for you (maintenance) and for the user (more convenient landing, work, does not tempt to drag home for the weekend).
For business trips, meetings, and similar work outside the workplace, issue laptops to users as needed.

Sergey Lerg, 2013-04-23

For managers and marketers, nettops or monoblocks, only at least 4 gigabytes of RAM. Desktop computers are a waste of workspace and maintenance troubles.
Programmers and webmasters already need an individual approach, there are good monoblocks (from lenovo, for example), but you need to choose, be sure to Full HD. And who needs a second monitor.
Mac mini works well in offices. Relatively inexpensive and works well.
It’s easier for someone to walk with a laptop, it’s individual here.

Barmunk, 2013-04-23

we transferred almost everyone to laptops + an external monitor

Eddy_Em, 2013-04-23

In my opinion, monoblocks are the cheapest. True, the screen size is small: on the strength of 22 ''.

Dolios, 2013-04-23

Depends on tasks. If you need high performance, the laptop will cost inhumanely.
About monitors. Personally, it is more convenient for me to work behind 2 identical monitors standing side by side. Laptop + monitor is much worse.
OS. Not every laptop will get up, there may be a problem with the drivers.

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2013-04-24

a friend has an entire office on thin diskless HP clients - some in the terminal, some in dedicated virtual machines - developers, for example.
huge savings on hardware and licensed software

izmalk, 2013-04-23

I think it really depends on the users and how they work. However, in the general case, the desktop, although less versatile, is more reliable, safe and cheap.
Threat, I personally am for a desktop with two good monitors, but, for example, if you have a democratic office with a bunch of comfortable chairs and areas for general work, or even without fixing jobs at all, then of course laptops are more convenient.
As for business trips, you should not carry a computer with all your work records so far. This is not safe and it will break faster from such treatment, or at least it will not look presentable.

pletinsky, 2013-04-23

In my opinion, the most convenient laptop + docking station + monitor + keyboard and mouse.
Of course, it is more convenient to work constantly at the monitor with a normal keyboard and mouse.
On the other hand, you can take a laptop home - why deprive people of the opportunity to finish something in the evening or on weekends.
You can take the laptop with you on a business trip, for a long meeting, etc.
On the other hand, it’s hard without a full-fledged workplace - especially for programmers / designers.
As for the size of the laptop - managers can be 12-13 inches, programmers / designers 13-14 - they will be able to carry such laptops with them and at the same time they can still work fully, not everyone can work on a smaller size.
In order not to be stolen, fasten the docking station with a special lock - the price of the issue is fie.
In general, the cost of the solution is the main issue - but this is if done well. Considering salaries in the field of it, now I think it is stupid to save on equipment.

StepEv, 2013-04-24

It is fashionable to give the opportunity to choose employees. To each.

Alexander, 2013-04-24

Monoblock or thin client (weak monoblock), but people say that the second option is UG.
A laptop is also an option, but not everyone is used to them + workers begin to carry them home. Notebooks lose in price, because. we need normal ones, with a classic comfortable keyboard and a good display.

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