Alexey Karpan2015-05-19 18:01:59
Alexey Karpan, 2015-05-19 18:01:59

Thoughts before launching a project, the right steps and monetization?

I am going to launch a service for ordering services on the Internet in my region, similar to a bulletin board with tasks (household services, repairs, courier, etc.). Tell me what actions for advertising and promotion need to be taken, given this area? Secondly, the question of monetization is of interest and how is it best to implement it? Thirdly, at what stage of launch should this be done? In general, thoughts on this topic are interesting from the outside.

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Budin, 2015-05-19

1. Promotion. A kind of viral marketing, ie. a quick one-time influx of potential customers and potential contractors, which will breathe life into the project. If this does not happen, i.e. if a critical mass of active users is not recruited, then you will find a standard situation for unclaimed exchanges - no customers --> the interest of performers goes out --> new customers do not find performers --> the meaning of the project disappears.
2. Monetization. Based on point 1 to maximize interest, no subscriptions and paid access. You can take the freelansim.ru model (minus a subscription) and other dating sites where interest in someone or something is boosted for money. Those. stands out and hangs in the top for a certain time performer or order. You can add ads, but dosed and respecting the semantics.
Monetization of any project starts right at the moment of launch. Let's prove the opposite. At first it was free, then the functionality familiar to the user became paid. Like? As a user, I don't. The rules should be general and unchangeable from the very beginning.
Before launch, the model is thought out. But nothing is added after. After only knowingly warning users, you can even communicate with them and interview them. And trying to take something from users, it is worth giving something in return.
My thoughts are my thoughts and private opinion. I might be wrong about something :D

Jsi8, 2015-05-19

There are already big players, I don't think the game is worth the candle

myfirepukan, 2015-05-19

1. A chicken and egg problem, but service providers are more important here than customers, because customers will then catch up, but if there is no set of services, they will never catch up.
2. Monetize when there is a stable number of orders 5-10 per day.
3. Take money only from those who provide services to customers, don't even think about it.

Alexey Karpan, 2015-05-20

The question of monetization.
What is the best way to charge performers? Or suggest other options?

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