Good Samaritan2015-03-05 12:21:02
Good Samaritan, 2015-03-05 12:21:02

There is no index.php in the advanced yii2 template in the frontend/web folder?

Or write it down by hand? I downloaded the arive not through composer, maybe that's why?

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3 answer(s)
sanex3339, 2015-03-05

php /path/to/yii-application/init run the command

Vit, 2015-03-05

You need to run the init script with the desired environment.
In the advanced template, the configs and index.php files depend on the environment and are located in the environments folder. Using the init script, they are copied from there to the application.

Dmitry Bay, 2015-03-05

recently I had a question myself.
and yes, you need to run init

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