Alex_LC2015-01-04 21:52:23
Alex_LC, 2015-01-04 21:52:23

The video card is heavily loaded - GPU usage 99 what to do?

Notebook Asus X550LN
Video card Nvidia Geforce 840m is heavily loaded with games. Below is a screenshot of the nvidia inspector with MGS5 Ground Zeroes running. I've searched all over the internet and haven't found a solution.
On YouTube, a dude on the same laptop quietly plays FarCry4, AC Unity. And even Witcher 2 slows down for me, this should not be.
What could be the reason, maybe someone faced similar?

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2 answer(s)
Spetros, 2015-01-04

План электропитания не настроен на максимальную производительность.
Утилита производителя что показывает?

Андрей Ермаченок, 2015-01-04

Было похожее - неисправен сетевой адаптер.
Попробуй другой заведомо исправный.

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