Maxim2015-04-16 00:54:06
Maxim, 2015-04-16 00:54:06

The submit button in web forms stopped working. What to do?

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1 answer(s)
Roman Pavlov, 2015-04-16

To start. Look for the script

      if ($('#block-webform-client-block-45 input[value=""]').length == 0) {
          $('#modal_webform_45 #edit-submit').click();
      return false;

and change to
      var formIsFilled = $('#block-webform-client-block-45 :input').not('[type=hidden]').filter(function() { return $(this).val() == ""; }).length == 0;
      if (formIsFilled) {
          $('#modal_webform_45 #edit-submit').click();
      return false;

Check other scripts, I haven't looked at other forms. Such issues need to be resolved on freelance exchanges, here the resource has a different specificity.

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