temporary hacker hacker2019-03-13 17:14:19
temporary hacker hacker, 2019-03-13 17:14:19

The site on wp opens advertising sites, how to remove the redirect to the left sites?

Good afternoon!
When I go to the site arknabytek.cz , the left site opens, or sites with advertising, when I go to arknabytek.cz/wp-admin , a page with a redirect script opens, how to fix the problem?

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2019-03-13

Cleaned up another website recently.
1) install the wordfence plugin and crawl the site to find out which broken plugin you installed. Otherwise, all premium plugins that have been reset must either be deleted or cleaned
2) open functions.php and look at the content for malicious code
3) clear the site cache if caching was enabled
4) some scripts add their code to each page / post. Then find this code on the post page, and then install the Better search replace plugin and search and replace the entire database

Oaks, 2019-03-13

https://revisium.com/ai to help you!

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