Dmitry Baskakov2018-03-14 12:27:47
Dmitry Baskakov, 2018-03-14 12:27:47

The script is behaving very strangely. What to do if everything is taken into account in the condition, but it turns out not at all?

Hello friend. If you wandered here, then here is the code:

case "catalog":
                    $number_of_page = (int)$callback_data[1];
                    $catalog = $parser->catalog();
                    $catalog_count = count($catalog);
                    $catalog = array_slice($catalog,$number_of_page,1);
                    $img = $catalog[0]["img"];
                    $title = $catalog[0]["title"];
                    $link = str_replace(["http://","https://"],"",$catalog[0]["link"]);
                    $next_text = "\xE2\x96\xB6";
                    $prev_text = "\xE2\x97\x80";
                    $next = $number_of_page+1;
                    $prev = $number_of_page-1;
                    $buttons_keys = [
                            ["text" => $prev_text, "callback_data" =>"catalog_".$prev],
                            ["text" => "Подробнее", "url" =>"$link"],
                            ["text" => $next_text, "callback_data" =>"catalog_".$next],
                    $i = (int)0;
                    if($number_of_page <= $i){
                    }elseif($number_of_page >= ($catalog_count-1)){
                    if($number_of_page != $i){
                            "chat_id" => $callback_chat_id,
                            "message_id" => $callback_message_id,
                    $buttons = [
                    $keyboard = json_encode(["inline_keyboard"=>$buttons]);
                        "chat_id" => $callback_chat_id,
                        "photo" => $img,
                        "parse_mode" => "Markdown",
                        "reply_markup" => $keyboard,
                        "caption" => "*$title*",

By the way, $callback_data[1] = 1, and all other values ​​are taken from the site - everything is working.
The problem is that $number_of_page is not included in the conditions and the posts are not deleted.
Moreover, only when $callback_data[1] = 1 are not deleted. And at 2,3,0, etc. - deleted
A, well, if it matters, then this is a telegram bot. It uses its own library. Working methods - tested.
If this data is enough, then tell me where the error is. Already n'e (about an hour) number of minutes I sit and do not see

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3 answer(s)
doublench21, 2018-03-14

if($number_of_page <= $i){ ... }
if($number_of_page != $i){ ... }

If $number_of_page < $i, then it will match both conditions. Is this normal for you?

Nurlan, 2018-03-14

Before if($number_of_page != $i){var_dump, dump both variables and look at the result.

Dmitry Baskakov, 2018-03-14

Topic closed. I'm blind and inattentive you know who. - forgot to add one exception

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