Rex Veis2018-02-06 22:58:31
Rex Veis, 2018-02-06 22:58:31

The Mac was shocked, after which it no longer worked, after restarting it was decided what it was?

He worked with paper, after which he took off his synthetic jacket, heard sparks, stupidly forgot to relieve tension from his hands with water or, having touched a wooden table, immediately touched the trackpad, after which we were well discharged. Neither the trackpad nor the keyboard worked except for the power button. Restarted - everything is OK, it works. BUT WHY did this happen?

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1 answer(s)
InoMono, 2018-02-06

Static electricity.
In my opinion, eighth grade, physics. Missed? In vain, there are cool experiments if you have a well-equipped school.

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