hedgehogdidi2015-01-16 04:33:58
hedgehogdidi, 2015-01-16 04:33:58

The laptop does not see additional RAM, what should I do?

The laptop has 4 gigs of RAM .. They gave another 2 gigs. As a result, I tried to shove 2. I did everything carefully, did not damage anything ... After which I thought there would be 6 gigs. NOO ... the laptop does not see this additional memory.
One PC3L memory, the other PC3.
I read that it is impossible to put ordinary memory on L (low voltage). But others write that it’s possible without problems ...
I wanted to remove my native altogether, and leave the one on 2giga to see if it works at all or not. But I don't understand computers, because a girl: D Therefore, I decided not to rush, but to ask for hints.

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2 answer(s)
Igor, 2015-01-16

What is the operating system?
Is it x32 bit by any chance? If so, then it has a limit of 4GB
If you have Windows 7 x64, then try to do the following:
Win + R -> msconfig -> Boot -> Advanced options -> Maximum memory
Re-read your question: It would also be nice to install the CPU-Z program (A program showing the "stuffing" of your PC) -> Go to the PSD tab and switching the "slots" from the top left to see if your memory chip is visible at all (Based on the question, you have not checked whether it is working or not). Incl. if it is seen there, then do the above steps by me =)

Archie Kuznetsov, 2015-01-16

Good afternoon!
There are several options:
- OS bit depth, 32-bit OS does not see more than 4 gigs;
- broken memory bar - no comment;
- the laptop motherboard does not support more than 4 gigs of RAM, google about the laptop on the Internet;

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