Pavel Kizernis2018-04-20 09:57:20
Pavel Kizernis, 2018-04-20 09:57:20

The fractional height of table. Why does the browser consider height this way? Where does the white stripe at the bottom come from?

The height must be dynamic...
See: https://codepen.io/lubus/pen/WJvQpR
The height of the three blocks is given as a percentage (20%, 70%, 10%).
The parent is 4.5in tall (multiplying by 96 is 432px).
Minus 6px border - we have 426px
20% of 426px is 85.2px (although in fact there are 84.8px )
70% of 426px is 298.2px (although in fact there are 297.6px )
10% of 426px is 42, 6x (although in fact there are 42.4px ) renders 1.2px
less in total . Why?

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2 answer(s)
Vadim Belkin, 2018-04-20

empty space after the black block, i.e. this block does not fill all the remaining space.
Set the height for .big-frame .layout-1 .frame-content .frame-contact a bit larger and you will see

Alexander Sharomet, 2018-04-20

You have the height of the main block set and the content just doesn't fill all the space. In this situation it is better to use flex height: 4.5in

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