illuzii2020-01-28 22:56:41
illuzii, 2020-01-28 22:56:41

The company's FB page has been deleted, when will the url be released?

Such a situation: brought on FB nat. person (name and surname - the name of the enterprise), made a page of the enterprise from this user on FB and reserved the url . After some time, FB requested account verification and asked to send a photo of the individual. faces. Foolishly, the logo of the enterprise was sent. After that, an error hung that the page was being verified, please wait. Then, having logged in with a login (tel.) and password (somewhere a day later) - FB wrote that the account was deleted, trawl-wait your belongings (The file is being created ... Download the file). When navigating to the url it says:

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I made an enterprise page from my personal page, but the url is busy.

The question is : is there a chance that this url will be released and try to register the company's page from the physical. how long will this case stay in this status at the given url?
Or to hammer a bolt and solve the page of the enterprise with a new url.

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