Artyom Sakharov2018-11-08 10:53:41
C++ / C#
Artyom Sakharov, 2018-11-08 10:53:41

Test tasks in C#?

In an attempt to get away from the harsh everyday life of system administration, I decided to try myself as a programmer. C# was chosen as the language, because I'm on a short footing with Powershell, and the syntax seemed pretty close.
After watching a video course at the Microsoft Academy, I ran into a problem - a lack of imagination for independent work :) Are there collections of simple test tasks to "pump" a little before some serious tasks that you don't know where to grab hold of right away? Or is it all from the evil one, and you need to immediately invent a large and complex pet project?

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4 answer(s)
Konstantin Kitmanov, 2018-11-08

You solve a problem, tests check the correctness of the solution, and then you can see how others have solved it. Based on the results, they give out points (visible progress increases motivation), as they "pump" they offer more and more difficult tasks (however, no one bothers to immediately swing at something difficult). There is also C# and many other languages. Well, then you can show your public profile in your resume :)

Xapu3ma, 2018-11-08

I did so. I said to myself "I want to write a client-server that transfers the image of the desktop of one computer to another" and ran to Google, and from there to the cyberforum, stackoverflow, etc. Also wrote, in passing I understand how to implement that function or that. And what will happen if I do not as in the example, but like this and the like. Then he said "I want to write a resume auto-updater on hh.ru" and the algorithm is described above :)
It was just interesting for me, and it motivated me to deal with the language to solve my problem. I did not manage to do test tasks due to laziness and lack of interest. Although the approach as a whole can be called clumsy.)

Maxim Isaev, 2018-11-08


Ivan Arxont, 2018-11-08


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