Helli Damnant2018-12-29 16:57:17
Game development
Helli Damnant, 2018-12-29 16:57:17

Technological Unreal or convenient and pleasant Unity?

In general, a long time ago (two or three years ago) I decided to try to join gamedev
. I had been dreaming of such dreams for a decent time
(before that, I had learned a little python, learned a little pros and knew Pascal well, I was familiar with OOP, all sorts of algorithms and the like, because I was an Olympiad in info)
I decided to start with Unity, found a book on this topic ( "Unity in action" - Joseph Hawking, I advise everyone who wants to start stirring up something with the unity), I almost completely mastered it, did something for myself there, and then it all went by the wayside because studies, admission, etc., fell
on now I'm ready to absorb knowledge again, especially because it really interests me, but here's the catch, I was faced with the choice of Unreal or Unity,
but! The difficulty of choosing is not in which engine is more powerful and cooler, but in other aspects, such as: the language in which you have to work, the working environment and its ease of use, manuals, docks and all sorts of other sources for using all this.
In languages, my problem of choice is that here is Unity, for it you can use both C # and JS, C # is controversial for me personally and it is useful in studying it (in my case, as in-depth as possible, because I am so demanding and inquisitive, and I still don’t understand how it’s arranged, I won’t calm down ...) then it will be a little easier (probably) to merge into other C-like languages ​​later,
JS is less controversial, because in addition to gamedev, I am also interested in webdev, where I have already mastered the basics of front-end and want to go deeper, but JS is needed, and as a result, two birds with one stone, Unreal requires C ++ - the language that I anyway I am going to master sooner or later because it is necessary and because I want basically. In terms of workspace, of course, Unity is perfect for me personally, it is quite pleasant to look at and quite convenient to use, Unreal is 0.0! I was just horrified by what was going on there, the inner perfectionist is indignant, but of course you can work, you just have to get used to it, but it’s still like that. Well, the last point, here I don’t personally rummage, but everyone says that there is more information on Unity, more understandable, more accessible and, in general, an utter blunder, but Unreal is scary, difficult and all that remains is to suffer buried in the documentation and terrorize knowledgeable people with their stupid questions. Vooot, a question to everyone who has read up to this point, what do you think? what is better according to these criteria? what did you choose? why chose? regret your choice? (and help me with the choice t.t please t.t)
Ps I apologize for the style of writing and the manner of expressing thoughts, I'm terrible at this.

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8 answer(s)
p4p, 2018-12-29

Well, look, I chose Unity for myself and here's why:
1. Great and mighty C#. It is convenient, concise and at the same time powerful.
2. Convenient documentation
3. A bunch of ready-made solutions for any occasion
4. Strong and responsive community
5. Simple and lightweight interface that can be easily expanded
+ It's worth noting that I chose Unity when UE was cooler in many ways, so 16 years ago. Today, Unity seems to me to have evolved and is in no way inferior to UE. Unity 2019 which is in beta is the bomb.
Many people love UE for blueprints. As for me, this is very inconvenient. Why does a programmer need blueprints? And why should a designer do logic? With all this, they are inferior in speed and something more or less serious cannot be written without C ++.
UE - terrible documentation and weak community. I don't mean to offend anyone, this is just my opinion.
UE is a human-intelligible interface.
I do not advise you to mess around with JS in Unity. In a big game without proper OOP, you'll just break your brain.

GavriKos, 2018-12-29

Unity has no JS. And never was. There was UnityScript, and it was cut out (or it will be cut out and deprecated). So only c#.

#, 2018-12-30

it's enough to put one simple thing in your head - Unity, it's not just C # / Mono. in fact, everything is more fun - there is compilation of IL2CPP , then LLVM with optimizations. so the question of comparing performance can be safely buried ... and the rest is well known

spaceatmoon, 2019-01-04

But at first glance I liked UE4 more. I can't argue with the documentation, but I can't confirm either. Quick Guide's are very good and written in an accessible language. A person with Pre-intermediate knowledge will be able to easily read UE4 guides.
Also, I like that C++ is used, but I don't need C#. I can use C++ later in larger web services companies if I want to in the web, and it's closer to OpenCV. In general, for me personally, C++ seems like a better deal than C#.
I have seen different interfaces: Cinema 4D, Archicad, 3D Max, Adobe LR/PR/Animate and I would argue about UI/UX in Unity.
I also did not like the speed of loading the code editor in Unity. I used to have a 3-core AMD at 2.1 GHZ and this is PPC COMRADES! I have not seen such brakes for a long time.
In general, I personally recommend getting acquainted with Unreal Engine 4 and GODOT. Godot recently released version 3 and the engine is quite promising. Internally, you can use GDScript, which is 98% Python syntax, and also supports C++ and C#.

Griboks, 2018-12-30

Convenient, pleasant, simple, technological, manageable, fast, extensible, developed, successful, sold by Unity 3D.

Stanislav Yaroslavtsev, 2019-06-21

I chose Unity because:
1. C# (simple and convenient language)
2. Documentation
3. Lots of tutorials
4. Simple interface

Asin Capper, 2019-09-01

I worked with Unity for a very long time, but then I decided to try Unreal Engine, after I uploaded the demo scene, I said wow, Unreal is often taken by people with more experience, Unity is taken by absolute beginners

Tiksten, 2021-03-11

Unity is perfect for getting started in game development, because it will help you understand all the pros and cons of game development, as well as help you determine what you like to do. After you fully learn Unity, you can already look for a team and climb higher (and there the whole team will choose the engine or even do it yourself)

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