Alexander Kunin2011-08-27 09:06:17
Alexander Kunin, 2011-08-27 09:06:17

Task Manager Widget for Android 2.*?

I recently read a review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and came across a screenshot in it with a rather interesting widget, which I can’t find for the second day. If you've come across one, please share.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2011-08-27

On my acer, this opens if I hold down the home button for three seconds. Only there is not a widget, but an application window. It was installed by default (or maybe this is the tool of the android itself - xs).
I used to use advanced task killer, IMHO, it hangs very conveniently in the tray.

Mikhail Shevtsov, 2011-08-28

Everything is simple. This Task Manager is part of TouchWiz, Samsung's proprietary skin. I have the same one on Android 2.2 with TouchWiz on a Samsung Galaxy 3.

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