Andrey2010-12-15 11:45:12
Andrey, 2010-12-15 11:45:12

Streaming video from a webcam to a website

It was necessary to organize a realtime broadcast from a webcam on the site. The site is on a dedicated server and the traffic is quite high. Accordingly, it is not possible to give the channel to connect everyone.
Is there software (services) that allows you to broadcast one stream from our server “somewhere” (for example, to the service server), and then broadcast from it to the site.
Interested in a "quick start", including paid solutions.

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6 answer(s)
bagyr, 2010-12-15

justin.tv and the like?

NeX, 2010-12-15


pwlnw, 2010-12-15

First, look at a rather old and popular smotricom - smotri.com/help/partner/

Troppus, 2010-12-21

Hello, I represent Advection.NET - Media hosting provider and authorized Microsoft partner - www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/service_provider/hosting/premier.aspx
We deal with both live events and on demand services. Ask for help!
The Russian-language website of the company is here: www.advection.ru/
Prices can be found here: www.advection.net/pricing/video-delivery-pricing?ref=habr

Horse, 2010-12-15

By the way, you need RMTP and for example videovishper. You can rent such servers, everything is more or less simple in setting up.

air, 2010-12-16

Maybe yatv.ru/ will suit you.
We often use it for streaming smart shows, with the host sitting in our office.

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