d222019-05-28 15:25:11
d22, 2019-05-28 15:25:11

Statistics (logging) of visited sites by users, how to do it?

There is a grid, they go through Mikrotik, how to organize statistics of visited sites by users? I tried Webproxy-log - it does not work, because it does not see https sites. How to organize logging of all sites or is it not possible?

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2 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2019-05-28

Oh my God, this question is gradually becoming a leader - we did meet Comrade Yn for a reason recently ...
A proxy is used to log access. To expose https, squid is used with bumping (and statistics). For bumping to work, you need to have your own CA (there is a server in Windows), distributed to all computers on the network as trusted ones. There is no other way to crash into https (and this one does not work everywhere).

Aborigen1020, 2019-05-28

Raise squid in transparent mode and analyze its logs, for example lightsquid.

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