Vi2016-07-15 02:48:17
Vi, 2016-07-15 02:48:17

SSH: How to find out the reason for the connection failure via ssh?

There are two Ubuntu 16 servers, ucarp is up on them, connecting regularly almost every five minutes, and maybe more often, the ssh connection just breaks. Who can tell how it can be analyzed, and it would even be nice to connect it to some kind of visualization system, does anyone know what can be used?
PS what are the alternatives to ucarp for linux and why can they be better or worse than this thing?

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3 answer(s)
Vi, 2016-09-18

The provider is to blame, he had serious problems in the network and in the equipment, so the logs did not show anything, only external network monitoring helped, and a long analysis

Igor Nikolaev, 2016-07-15

I'm afraid to sound overly conservative, but have you tried looking at the log files of the client and server?

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