Alexander2018-12-27 10:56:27
Alexander, 2018-12-27 10:56:27

Spring material sources?

All with the coming! The question is not new, but I would like to update the answers to it a little, i.e. now 2k18, in a few days 2k19, the goal is to learn spring. Increase the cost of labor in the market + there are two ideas for your project and you can train on this. Earlier questions mention spring in action, but that's 3-4 years ago. Let's try to update the sources of the material to study this "divine" framework. Video? Books? paid or free courses? internally - in absentia? any options, the more detailed the better.
PS, please do not write: "href" here is a video on this link in which the norms are directly told, such as the spring ripper Evgeny Borisov. Yes, the video is ok, but it is not educational, i.e. it is like a good elective, the question is about the set of material, textbooks, courses for study.
PPS preferably for 2-3 months (respectively for social security for a position near the middle java developer)
PPPS Happy winter holidays!

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-12-27

There are no better and more useful sources than the official documentation and these two tutorials . Despite the fact that both textbooks are not young, they have not lost their relevance.
And you are a dreamer! Spring is huge. I have been working with him for 12 years and still regularly stumble upon something I did not know. You will not be able to learn it in 2-3 months from zero to middle.

Alexander Kosarev, 2018-12-27

You can watch videos on their channel - SpringDeveloper , there are also how-to videos, there are reports from conferences and webcasts, etc.
Well, the best source of information on Spring is the spring.io site . The documentation is quite detailed, informative and convenient. In addition to manuals, there are various guides. I can also recommend Baeldung and Spring Framework Guru

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