Michael2021-08-26 11:42:01
Michael, 2021-08-26 11:42:01

Specify math example pattern via regular expressions?

There is a prompt, a mathematical example is given as input, which is then converted to a string.
I want to check its validity based on a regular expression

The expression should be something like this:

/a number of 1 or more digits [math options (*+-/)] another number/

So far the


try {
  let primer = prompt('Введите пример', '10+2');
  let strPrim = primer.toString();
  let reg = /\d+[\+\-\/\*]\d+/;
  // let reg = /([1-9][0-9]+)(\[\+-\/\*])(\d+)/;
  let primArr = strPrim.split(reg);
} catch (er) {
  alert('Ошибка: ' + er.name + '. ' + er.message + '/n' + er.stack);

Outputs in the console

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1 answer(s)
Viktor Taran, 2021-08-26

[0-9]{1,} -number from 1 option
[0-9]{1,3} -number from 1 to 3 cir
(\*|\+|\-|\/) or or or, moreover and shielded.

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