dev4002016-06-19 10:39:06
Search Engine Optimization
dev400, 2016-06-19 10:39:06

Social activity and SEO?

How should social activity be manifested? What is included in it?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-06-29

Connect as many channels as possible in any case, you can not judge what is good and what is bad without analyzing a specific channel. If you have unique and interesting content and you have something to tell your audience about - connect all - classmates - facebook - vkontakte - youtube - GOOGLE + - instagram - twitter - telegram - mailing list email -
mytarget , etc. How exactly will it manifest itself? - the number of transitions to your site from a particular resource, and further conversion. Set up Yandex metrics, Google Analytics, set goals and don't forget about utm tags.
And remove the analytics after a while. Also read the information about the integration of services such as Twitter-Facebook (write in 1 place, and this is all duplicated in several resources)
Of course, you need to initially understand approximately who your target audience is. If you sell elastic bands for bracelets, which are now very popular in elementary grades, you can forget about "classmates", and vice versa, a zirconium bracelet will not be interesting in a telegram. The same goes for services.

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