Kirill H2018-09-26 15:32:44
Kirill H, 2018-09-26 15:32:44

SoC Solutions for C++ development?

Hello everyone, now I’m interested in such a question, maybe someone knows, I’m looking for SoC for C / C ++ development now, the main requirements are the price of $ 5-10 and the lower the better. I know about Onion Omega2/Omega2+, don't offer it, it's already for $10+ (:

  1. Linux - not necessary (it can be just for firmware)
  2. Mandatory support for external output devices , it also requires the ability to hang an LCD screen at least, at most with a touchscreen
  3. Mandatory support for external input devices (obviously)
  4. Also, the Wi-Fi module is a nice plus, in its absence - support for working with the network
  5. Support persistency, not less than 16 meters
  6. As already mentioned - C++ support
  7. it would be nice if there would be a web engine support for interpreting HTML & Js , but I understand that for the same money this is unrealistic
Now I'm just looking for solutions, at the moment I'm trying to decide on a budget. Obviously, so far I don’t know the real prices for these requirements, I understand that most likely there will be a system like SoC + modules. A device based on the selected SoC will go into a small series, so $ 10 is already a luxury , $5-10 is a reasonable limit, of course, if nothing is found, I think I'll have to look towards omega2.
Also, if there are any resources with selection according to the given parameters - SoC solutions, I will be grateful for the link.

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