parafin112016-05-13 08:23:07
parafin11, 2016-05-13 08:23:07

So what do you use to create a landing page?

Good day to all!! The essence of my question is as follows: I use Python a little, learn HTML, CSS, just a little bit of JS. I needed to make a landing page for the main work, and then I went into a stupor: realizing that it would be the fastest and easiest way to do it on Wordpress, I quickly riveted this same landing page, but after looking at it carefully, I realized that I would receive a response from customers at best if I to sell gold at a price two times lower than the market price, there is a problem with the design in general ... I would like to hone my knowledge of the above technologies in practice. How to proceed : ?
1. Order a design on the side and make up the page yourself using HTML, CSS.
2. Order a theme/plugin for Wordpress.
3. Or just take it and buy a landing page, so to speak, on a turnkey basis, but then the point is from my study of HTML, CSS

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6 answer(s)
littleguga, 2016-05-13

In fact, you need to understand why you need this landing page at all?
Who is your target audience? What devices does it come from, etc.
I advise you to read this article
Regarding technologies:
If you need a landing (usually this means one page with complete information that attracts a client to buy your service or product), then wordpress is not needed here at all. A static page (html+css+maybe js), that's it, nothing more.
If you also need a corporate blog or some n-th number of other pages, then yes, you need a theme for wordpress.
As for the design - yes, it should be nice, if you can't do it yourself - hire a designer and try to make the site yourself. But returning to the first questions, what if a decent part of your target audience comes from tablets / mobile devices? Can you make a quality layout?
Also think about how much you value your time that you spend on all this. Is it more expensive than if you pay someone else to do the work, or is it cheaper?
If anything, I can help with design, layout, theme creation (if you still need a blog, in addition to the landing page), mail is in the profile.

Sanes, 2016-05-13

Take and buy. With the condition that this landing will sell, and not just be painted under Khokhloma.

Anton Nagaets, 2016-05-13

0) Do not get upset and do not fork.
1) It’s worth spending a couple of days studying the material on how to correctly place blocks on a landing page. And in general, what blocks attract attention and provide conversion.
2) Draw a UI layout on a piece of paper. Look at it from different angles and points of view. But not your own, but potential visitors, you can resort to the help of friends.
3) Hang the design on this layout. If the "graphics and design" skill is not in harmony, then there are always freelancers who can help.
4) Unscrew the resulting layout yourself.
5) Post.
6) Run everything on the Check List , there are even better ones in the comments .
7) PROFIT... may be.

Roman Popov, 2016-05-13

It depends on what you want from the landing. If only the main functionality, such as buy-subscribe, then it is more expedient to take a free template and put it on a globe to make up, well, or use free-low-paid cms / services. If you need any statistics, AB tests, etc., then it’s easier and more efficient to buy this. Well, look at what is planned to be sold - Khokhloma will only hurt for some products, while others cannot be sold without a gypsy ensemble.

Neron, 2016-05-13
Lordov @Nekto_Habr

WIX. You choose a template, change words (no need to play designer and move blocks or change colors/fonts). You pay a premium to remove ads and connect a domain (it’s very simple in Wix, up to stupidly entering a login / password from the registrar and EVERYTHING, study the issue in advance before buying a domain).
In 1-3 days you rivet something decent and launch it. In parallel, you will make a normal website.

newpy, 2016-05-13

Excuse me, but what does this have to do with Python? Only the fact that you "use it slowly"? In your question, the rest of the text is about HTML/ CSS/ JS/ Worpress/ Landing...
If you want to "use" Python, take Flask (Python microframework) for landing and do it. Just for a pure landing page, you don't need Python at all.

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