Andrew Chil2015-07-28 21:27:01
Andrew Chil, 2015-07-28 21:27:01

Slider on Bootstrap, Drupal theme?

Please tell me whether it would be correct if the slider in Drupal on the bootstrap theme is done simply by throwing the code into the block, from getbootstrap.com for example.
I just thought that there was some module for a long time, but I can’t find something.
I would be grateful for a smarter solution)

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4 answer(s)
Vanya Semeschuk, 2015-07-28

Flexslider + Views

snetcher, 2015-07-28

If there is no direct connection with the site materials, then static html is also possible, but if there is a link to the materials, then it is better to create the necessary fields using views and, in the corresponding types of material. In views, the output is combed for the desired code

Izbaskhan Kabilgakov, 2015-07-28

You can use any slider, for example, owlslider. Paste the script code, and then theme the block. I recommend owlslder. I just used it for the project, Drupal+Owlslider+Zubr Foundation: Link

Andrew Chil, 2015-07-28

Many thanks to everyone for the feedback)
There was a simpler solution, https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap_carousel
But something I can’t figure out how to put it in the block I need.

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