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Slider customization?
The problem is that the slider at the beginning was not adaptive and the width of the blocks is set by the script, we managed to achieve adaptability. The width is taken from the width of the window. That is, when the page is loaded, the dimensions are set and it works, but if you change the window without reloading the page, the dimensions do not change. Help to adapt
Here is a site with a slider (not advertising) (It is at the beginning of adaptation and now it is the slider that is interested in) DEMO
Code is attached
* jCarouselLite - jQuery plugin to navigate images/any content in a carousel style widget.
* @requires jQuery v1.2 or above
* Copyright (c) 2007 Ganeshji Marwaha (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* /mit-license.php
* Version: 1.0.1
* Note: Requires jquery 1.2 or above from version 1.0.1
(function($) { // Compliant with jquery.noConflict()
$.fn.jCarouselLite = function(o) {
o = $.extend({
btnPrev: null,
btnNext: null,
btnGo: null,
mouseWheel: false,
auto: null,
speed: 500,
easing: null,
vertical: false,
circular: true,
visible: 3,
start: 0,
scroll: 1,
beforeStart: null,
afterEnd: null
}, o || {});
return this.each(function() {
// Returns the element collection. Chainable.
var size_window= $( window ).width()>1170?1170:$( window ).width();
var running = false, animCss= o.vertical?"top":"left", sizeCss=o.vertical?"height":"width";
var div = $(this), ul = $("ul", div), tLi = $("li", ul), tl = tLi.size(), v = o.visible;
if(o.circular) {
o.start +=v;
var li = $("li", ul), itemLength = li.size(), curr = o.start;
div.css("visibility", "visible");
li.css({overflow: "hidden", float: o.vertical ? "none" : "left"});
ul.css({margin: "0", padding: "0", position: "relative", "list-style-type": "none", "z-index": "1"});
div.css({overflow: "
varliSize = o.vertical ? height(li) : size_window; // Full li size(incl margin)-Used for animation
var ulSize = size_window * itemLength; // size of full ul(total length, not just for the visible items)
var divSize = size_window * v; // size of entire div(total length for just the visible items)
li.css({width: size_window});
ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize+"px").css(animCss, -(curr*size_window));
div.css(sizeCss, divSize+"px"); // Width of the DIV. length of visible images
$(o.btnPrev).click(function() {
return go(curr-o.scroll);
$(o.btnNext).click(function() {
return go(curr+o.scroll);
$.each(o.btnGo, function(i, val) {
$(val).click(function() {
return go(o.circular ? o.visible+i : i);
}) ;
if(o.mouseWheel && div.mousewheel)
div.mousewheel(function(e, d) {
return d>0 ? go(curr-o.scroll) : go(curr+o.scroll);
setInterval(function() {
function vis() {
return li.slice(curr).slice(0,v);
function go(to) {
if(!running) {
if(o.beforeStart), vis());
if(o.circular) { // If circular we are in first or last, then goto the other end
if(to<=o.start-v-1) { // If first, then goto last
ul.css(animCss , -((itemLength-(v*2))*liSize)+"px");
// If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be lesser depending on the number of elements.
curr = to==o.start-v-1 ? itemLength-(v*2)-1 : itemLength-(v*2)-o.scroll;
} else if(to>=itemLength-v+1) { // If last, then goto first
ul.css(animCss, -( (v) * liSize ) + "px" );
// If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be greater depending on the number of elements.
curr = to==itemLength-v+1 ? v+1 : v+o.scroll;
} else curr = to;
} else { // If non-circular and to points to first or last, we just return.
if(to<0 || to>itemLength-v) return;
else curr = to;
} // If neither overrides it, the curr will still be "to" and we can proceed.
running = true;
animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr*liSize) } : { top: -(curr*liSize) } , o.speed, o.easing,
function() {
if(o.afterEnd ), vis());
running = false;
// Disable buttons when the carousel reaches the last/first, and enable when not
if(!o.circular) {
$(o.btnPrev + "," + o.btnNext).removeClass("disabled");
$( (curr-o.scroll<0 && o.btnPrev)
(curr+o.scroll > itemLength-v && o.btnNext)
return false;
function css(el, prop) {
return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0;
function width(el) {
return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight');
function height(el) {
return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom');
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