KOSMOS312018-03-05 08:18:43
KOSMOS31, 2018-03-05 08:18:43

Skype is self-deleting. Why?

Good afternoon, the other day I ran into a problem, Skype deleted itself, and forces me to use the tile, yesterday I found the classic version on the Internet, installed it, turned off the PC at night and in the morning I see again that there is no Skype, the Skype folder is empty, I had to install Skype again and write here, what is going on?
Microsoft decided to impose the use of tiles? Everything would be fine, but the tile is too raw version for PC, Skype closes by crosses (should be minimized). In general, it strains Skype's handkerchief.

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1 answer(s)
Viktor, 2018-03-05

First, check what kind of Windows you have. The context shows that 8.1 or 10, but which of these two?
Now the actual answer. Since such tricks are impossible in normal Windows, then your problem is in the abnormality of Winda.
But you don't need to dig into her guts, it's too long. I advise you to simply reinstall Windu in a clean way (without inheriting the software and settings, since you will inherit problems along with them) - this will be faster than understanding the nuances.

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