startsevdenis2011-03-28 20:51:26
IT education
startsevdenis, 2011-03-28 20:51:26

Sites with tests and programming tasks?

You probably heard a lot about the sql-ex.ru resource , but are there any other similar sites, not necessarily for sql?

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8 answer(s)
MikeMirzayanov, 2011-03-28

Easy PR: http://codeforces.ru/problemset - the right column in the table contains the number of those who solved it, i.e. well reflects the complexity. You can send solutions in C++/C, Java, C#, Pascal, Python, Ruby, PHP (temporarily removed F#, will return soon). Solutions of other participants and tests on which solutions are tested are available for viewing. We regularly hold competitions, the tasks from which fall into the archive. By the way, the next one is on the 29th at 19:00 Moscow time. For most tasks, you can find reviews in Russian and English.

Stepuk, 2011-03-28

Russian: www.quizful.net
English: www.blackbeltfactory.com

Nicolette, 2011-03-28

Why hasn't topcoder.com/tc been named yet? :-)

jabbarow, 2011-03-28

Service Unavailable , unfortunately. Look here:

Roman Abdulmanov, 2011-03-28

Full, for example, tests.specialist.ru . But why do you need them?

savados, 2011-03-28


Desiderata, 2011-03-28

tasks in sports programming (in Russian): acm.timus.ru
MIPT programming competition (in Russian): <a href="acm.mipt.ru/judge>acm.mipt.ru
various world-class programming championships (in English): www.topcoder.com

ruslan5t, 2014-08-17

Sports programming tasks - acm.timus.ru , codeforces.ru , topcoder.com Programming
language tests - muliver.net

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