Morozov162021-01-02 09:06:52
Morozov16, 2021-01-02 09:06:52

Sim activity, what do they see by my number?

Hello everyone, I don't know which forum to ask. I hope there are people here who understand this. I've been digging for more than a month, but no one has found an answer.

Many services began to check the activity of SIM cards. For example - I work with bookmakers and recently the bookmaker does not give a bonus if I bought a SIM card the other day. That is, he sees some information about the sim card and understands that it is fraudulent, chtol. And if you take an old used SIM card, then please, everything is fine.

The professional question itself is: what information about the SIM card can the bookmaker see at the time of registration and instantly decide whether to give a bonus or not?

I know that information about actions (calls, sms, etc.) can only be obtained through the police. That is, this option disappears, as I understand it.

If, for example, a SIM card was used for about 6 months, then it gives no problems, and if the SIM card was registered a couple of months ago and there was no activity on it, then there is no bonus

. a couple of days the sim card was accepted by the bookmaker, but now this does not work.

Also, some offices give out a different amount of the bonus, if the sim card is just bought, then it gives 100 rubles, if a couple of months then 500, half a year 1000 and so on, apparently set some kind of ball antifraud system and it gives a bonus

Your professional (or not so) opinion is very interesting, thanks in advance for the answers. I’m even more interested not because of the bonus, but a purely technical moment and how to get around this and what information about us is being leaked by the operator or does the bookmaker do this without the help of the operator?

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3 answer(s)
Maxim Y, 2022-01-07

As we did in a similar situation.
BC buys such a service from the operator.
There can be a lot of criteria under the hood. For example: activation date, amount spent per month, replenishment regularity, usage profile (more incoming / outgoing, more messengers, surfing, video, social networks, etc.), number of calls, traffic, whether there are roaming and 100,500 more others.
The bookmaker first gives the operator a list of good and bad customer numbers. The operator based on the lists and parameters above trains the ML model.
Then, when a new client comes to the bookmaker, they pass the number to the operator, and the latter returns a certain model response - reliability = 0.75, for example.
Those. in this case, no one will explain to you how to warm up. It's just that your usage profile should be similar to the profiles of other subscribers that BK liked before.
But there are more cases as well. The operator simply sells information like "the number is more than three months old, or not."

Dimonchik, 2022-01-03

teach to read,
oh, sorry, to
warm up
of course, for

I hope there are people here who understand this.

too cheap )))

rPman, 2021-01-02

The simplest thing is an agreement with mobile operators, they trade in 'impersonal' personal data left and right

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