Nestatnykh2018-07-15 17:36:08
Nestatnykh, 2018-07-15 17:36:08

Showing movies from the server offline (copyright)?

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
The question is extremely simple (it's just below)
Idea: show movies from the server on the bus offline, via wi-fi so that people can select a movie from the server and watch it.
150 buses are planned.
The question is what films can be shown so that there are no problems any old ones will do and it’s not a good idea to take 50 films now.
Or somewhere that you can buy inexpensively.
I think the question is clear, you need any 50 films and so that there are no problems with copyright, what to do?

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1 answer(s)
Rsa97, 2018-07-15

1. Films that have entered the public domain by age. In Russia, these are films, including foreign ones, made before 1947 inclusive. Remakes and colorizations are considered separate works.
2. Films that have passed into the public domain by decision of the former copyright holder.
3. Films for which you will conclude an agreement with the copyright holder.

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