Evgeny Elchev2012-06-03 10:40:16
Evgeny Elchev, 2012-06-03 10:40:16

Should I put Mac OS on my PC as the main system?

Main tasks:
1) Use of multimedia resources (including DLNA server);
2) Downloading torrents;
3) Web development.
I think it makes sense to add that I have Atlon

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13 answer(s)
Sergey, 2012-06-03

No. Especially for the reason

I have At h lon
To get a good, stable working hackintosh, you need to select components with this in mind when buying a computer, and even then, it doesn’t always work out well.

AlekseyPolyakov, 2012-06-03

Personally, I do not see any advantages in favor of a MAC on a PC, most likely all the tasks that you noted can be sanely performed, with the exception of cross-browser tests in web development (most browsers work under Windows or are used by Windows users, for the most part). Let's assume that tomorrow the list of tasks to be performed will expand and you will need, for example, 1C or something like that, some business applications that are widespread, but do not work under MAC, at this stage you will encounter compatibility problems. From the point of view of licensing, both MAC and Win are commercial, graphical applications are also commercial, it turns out that you will not gain anything from this side either. Here is my personal subjective opinion on your question.

Oleg Karnaukhov, 2012-06-03

I don’t advise, the poppy still won’t see half the firewood on the car. Do you also need web development? Here, after all, Linux will be better, you can install any modules or necessary servers through the package system. Under the poppy, either manually cut everything, or you will have to do something with the ports, but they do not work very stably in the poppy.
Under Linux, for example, with a couple of commands, you can install the development environment, and the server has all the necessary modules, and there are a lot of instructions and ease of connection, and the server can be connected via fuse to a folder without tambourines. In general, everything here is created for this. DLNA works through minidlna server or through mediatomb. I watch movies myself. Under torrents there is a transmission or a bunch of other clients.

nick5, 2012-06-03

I think not. They are not as stable as Mac OS, and in general the hackintosh is less productive.

ArtKun, 2012-06-03

Not worth it. I sat like that for half a year - and on Intel, almost all the hardware went up out of the box, without a tambourine. What can I say… the system is reactive, stable as a rock. But I'm tired of praying with every update that after a reboot it will at least start. So one day it didn’t start, I spat and found myself in linux - exactly the same reactive, stable and does not fall after updates. I note again that I had Intel, there is a 90% guarantee that on Athlon half of your software will work randomly or will not start at all. That is, all the advantages of OS X will turn into disadvantages.

65520, 2012-06-03

On PCs with AMD processors, only 10.6.8 can be installed. The sound and the network may or may not work - it depends on the chips used. But I can say that on my athlone just a poppy has been working as the only system for half a year. But I have been playing with hackintosh since the tiger and I know how to set up, how to solve problems, etc. If you do not have such experience, then I definitely would not bet on AMD. On Intel with a matched motherboard - you can try.

OnYourLips, 2012-06-03

If you collect hardware for a hackintosh, then there will be no problems. It will be cheaper and more efficient.
And in the case of a topikstarter, AMD is not an option at all. On each patch you will suffer, up to the backup backup.

Vitaliy Petrychuk, 2012-06-03

It all depends on your hardware. If everything works - of course put it. I myself worked for a year until I bought a poppy.
You can put the system on removable media (a 16gb flash drive is enough) and configure it there. If everything goes well, just clone the image to your hard drive.

Vladislav Maksimchuk, 2012-06-03

Of course it's worth it, but if the platform is Intel, that is not your case, and of course if the OS itself is rushing.
I have a mbp and a pc hackintosh, they work equally stably, although the hardware started up with tambourines, but it started up and works stably for a year, the only two points are very annoying - 1. you need to carefully update the OS, 2. not everyone (like me) why - the AppStore works. And so the same cool, stable, nimble makos.

egorinsk, 2012-06-03

Hackintosh is like Linux, that is, it slows down at an arbitrary minute, gives the user the joy of finding the right drivers (if they exist) and manual magic with the console. Also, you have to download incomprehensible programs like flash, skype and less well-known ones, because many functions are not installed out of the box. Third-party programs often do not fit well into the MacOS environment and behave strangely. And it is not known how many Trojans are hiding in these programs.
Also, my Internet access is tied to the MAC address, and you can’t set it through the GUI, you have to write commands in the console every time you boot.
For example, on a good laptop with an Intel video card, it works without acceleration for me, that is, the animations are not ideal, the video in half of the programs does not play, avi / mkv does not play. Mplayer does not play video. Those videos that play do not do it instantly: you have to wait a few seconds for the QuickTime player to start (while in Windows Mplayer starts instantly).
Also. For some reason, there are 2 players in MacOS: QuickTime and Quick Time 7. I still don’t understand what the difference is.
In general, you are tormented ... are sleek icons worth it? Isn't it better to put the good old time-tested Windows XP?

yumitsu, 2012-06-04

Costs. Until I built myself a machine that was maximally (at that time) compatible with Mac OS X, I had Leopard on my Toshiba A135-S4527. By the way, the laptop is incompatible with macOS - there was a lot of fuss with the sound, I had to buy another wi-fi adapter from Broadcom, ACPI did not work as it should, the coolers did not always spin ... But damn, it was worth it.
At the moment when I put Snow Leopard on a freshly assembled car, the prospect of running into problems caused only a smile.
As a result, the hackintosh has two years of stable operation.

nanodesu, 2012-06-04

I have Alienware M11x, and so - out of all the hardware, wi-fi Intel 5100 did not work. Everything else, including sleep, hibernation and amd64 mode, works properly. It could be used as the main OS if you solve problems with the network.

Dreddik, 2012-06-04

It happened to me that even an assembly for AMD was not installed on Athlon. Most likely, the trouble was with a video card for which there were no drivers.
But on Intel's hardware, I'm very pleased with Macos. The only thing is that after the updates you have to reinstall the kext (driver) for the sound.
And so everything is in order, everything flies.
Mac OS 10.7.4

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