fir1st2013-11-20 22:59:27
fir1st, 2013-11-20 22:59:27

Should I choose node.js as my first language (after school Pascal)?

I have a poor understanding of OOP, I myself work in the field of systems. administration. I want to write my own web project, with layout for 4 minus.

I don’t know what caused this choice, but it seems that JavaScript is closer to me.

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14 answer(s)
ramntry, 2013-11-20

I will support JS and Python.
The first, because thanks to node.js it allows you to program both the frontend and the backend - with one language you will kill two birds with one stone, you can quickly start doing something for your project. Perhaps even three birds with one stone, since some NoSQL databases use a subset of JS as a query language, and the NoSQL approach is simpler to learn than the classic relational one (after all, you will automatically get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bJSON, which in most cases manages to effectively replace much more heavy XML).
The second, because he is simple and knows a lot, both in the web and in the field of system administration automation. This means that in the process of studying it, you will be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice, right at the workplace. Python will give you Django, which for the time being will hide the wisdom of working with databases from you (thanks to ORM). It is simpler because it has a simple object model, offers a large set of built-in data structures with well-thought-out interfaces (the tutorial on the off-site will immediately tell you that a dict is an associative array, tell you in detail how to use it. In JS, you can move your mind until you will understand that Object is an associative array and how to exploit it as such).
But JS for the frontend still has to be learned.
I won't recommend Ruby. For you, Ruby in conjunction with Ruby on Rails will be the same Python + Django tandem, only 1) significantly more difficult to learn 2) practically inapplicable at the main place of work 3) overloaded in terms of competition in the labor market no worse than PHP.
I ask you to treat all of the above with a reasonable amount of skepticism, since I am not a web developer.
And there is also such a suggestion: maybe you'd better look around at work, find a web developer in your company and heartily rub this issue with him? This way you will learn more, and your source will have a reliability that you understand (unlike anonymous comrades from the network), and, ideally, get a mentor.

Alexander Wolf, 2013-11-20

Unlike @ali_aliev , I would encourage you to learn JavaScript (and then try using the Node.JS back-end framework).
For me, JS seemed easy enough. OOP is also not very complicated (the main thing is to understand the principle of prototyping).

Ali Aliyev, 2013-11-20

node.js is not a language, but a server-side platform that uses JavaScript V8. JavaScript itself is not a simple language, it is especially difficult to delve into its OOP without preparation. Python would be very suitable for you, a lot of documentation and books are good in Russian.

Nadz Goldman, 2013-11-21

The web is also possible in Pascal.
If it's easier, then python, chop.
If it's more complicated, then Java or PHP.
If more interesting, then definitely pearl.

alex_adept, 2013-11-21

As for js, I don’t know, I worked with it, and I wouldn’t say that the principles are so transparent there. those. it is powerful and good, but for understanding the basics and developing skills, it seems to me not the most suitable.
what I personally would advise -
- if you need something that is easy enough to learn and understand, but at the same time fully functional and has good prospects (very close) - ruby.
- something that is also good, but a little less convenient and obvious, but has already reached those very prospects - python.
- and in any case with ++. without it, nowhere and nothing.))
again, this is my purely personal, subjective opinion. I don't need to prove that I'm wrong. I just think so from personal experience.

AxisPod, 2013-11-21

Whatever you want, you should learn.

sashazq, 2013-11-20

You can try Ruby.

Alexey, 2013-11-20

JavaScript is very easy to learn, don't mess with nodejs until you have a good understanding of js. For your first project, try php.
It doesn’t make much sense to choose, it’s more like riding a bicycle, if you know how to ride, learning how to pedal correctly on another bike is not a difficult task.

nixischev, 2013-11-21

TS, try Python - very simple, by the way, it's better to start right away with Django (framework)

xanep, 2013-11-21

I advise everyone to use Python as their first language, and it should be taught at school instead of Pascal. As for web projects, it doesn't matter. Ruby can too

Artur Smirnov, 2013-11-21

In my opinion, if you want to develop in the field of software development, then Javascript is not the best choice for the first language. In this case, it's better to look at a statically typed language (to better understand how it works). I would suggest Java. You can study according to the original tutorials from Oracle (if knowledge of the language allows).
If you just need to write one project, then it’s more convenient, indeed, in Javascript, since you can do both clientside and serverside at once. It's best to read the tutorial first . Then you can take some full-stack framework, like Derby.js.

afiskon, 2013-11-21

Node.js should not be chosen at all, especially as a first language. Take a look at Erlang .

xmoonlight, 2013-11-24

but for some reason I don't want PHP, because not promising in some way.

Web: Without experience - you will bury your project alive. The speed of implementation of ideas (development) by other teams (coders) is now very high. Try to start creating a project with CMS Joomla. (first as a sys.admin) You will already have something visually ready. At the same time, study PHP + JS + CSS in parallel. To expand the logic of the business process of a web project - study the Joomla JDOC API and implement it. Then you will see for yourself in which direction it is better for you to move.
Mobile: it will be optimal for you to learn how to develop mobile applications on Embarcadero's RAD Studio XE5

maxfox, 2013-11-27

Oh, you should have asked on the automotive forum which car is better to choose .. :)
In turn, I will support Python and Django. In general, for a novice web developer, it is more important to understand HTTP and databases, do not rest on the PL, try a few and choose the one that you like best.

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