Vlad Zhivotnev2012-01-25 17:05:41
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2012-01-25 17:05:41

Setting up pptpd, poke your nose into the manual?

Poke my nose into the manual.
You need to configure PPTPD (under debian / ubuntu, but I’ll figure it out with any other Linux man) so that white public IPv4s are issued to clients, not gray ones.
Everywhere suggest to use gray subnets + NAT.

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2 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2013-11-23

Myself. asked, I will answer myself after almost two years. https://debian.pro/1513

Andrey Burov, 2012-01-25

in the config, where the IPs for users are specified, indicate to them the “white” IP
and turn on proxy_arp and ip_forward

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