Rustam2020-12-30 09:54:35
Search Engine Optimization
Rustam, 2020-12-30 09:54:35

Set up a 301 redirect. How to make a proper redirect?

Hello. I am an amateur in this matter. There is a site with the main mirror https://www.site.ru (Conditional site). Made a 301 redirect from http to https. Everything works, but if Yandex Webmaster checks, then the request https://site.ru goes 302 redirect to https://www.site.ru . Help, please, to solve this problem. You need an SEO specialist.

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1 answer(s)
Danny Arty, 2020-12-30

Apparently in htaccess a 302 redirect is configured from a site with www to a site without, although domain merging should be done by setting up a 301 redirect from www to a site without www .
You can read how to set up here .

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